Traits And Stories Of The Hugenots

Elizabeth Gaskell

Hörbuch Romane Klassiker

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Beschreibung zu „Traits And Stories Of The Hugenots“

Elizabeth Gaskell (1810-1865) was a well known British novelist at one of the peak eras for female writers in England. A novelist and short story writer at the height of the Victorian Era, Gaskells novels weave a comprehensive, detailed image of the lives of all kinds of different classes in society during that age, ranging from the very poor to the cream of the aristocratic crop. Of course, given the era in which she wrote, Mrs. Gaskells writing included a wonderful style of prose that still continues to please literary critics, even while discussing the general themes of the day like religion and poverty. While novels like North and South dazzled readers, her short stories, particularly Gothic ghost stories, caught the eye of no less a writer than Charles Dickens, who helped get her stories published during the middle of the 19th century.

Über Elizabeth Gaskell

Elizabeth Gaskell nació en Londres en 1810 y al casarse se estableció en Manchester, en los inicios de la revolución industrial. El choque con esta sociedad quedaría reflejado en varias de sus novelas, especialmente en Norte y Sur (1855; ALBA CLÁSICA MAIOR núm. XXIV). En 1857 publicó Vida de Charlotte Brontë (ALBA CLÁSICA BIOGRAFÍAS, núm. IV). Otras obras de Gaskell son Cranford (1851-1853, ALBA CLÁSICA, núm. XLII), Cuentos góticos (ALBA CLÁSICA núm. XCIV), Los amores de Sylvia (1863) e Hijas y esposas (ALBA CLÁSICA MAIOR núm. XLII), cuyos últimos capítulos dejaría sin concluir a su muerte, en 1865).

Gelesen von:

Evan Long


Oregan Publishing




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