In the Camps

Life in China's High-Tech Penal Colony

Darren Byler

Politik & Gesellschaft

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Beschreibung zu „In the Camps“

A revelatory account of what is really happening to China's Uyghurs
'Intimate, sombre, and damning... compelling.' Financial Times
'Chilling... Horrifying.' Spectator
'Invaluable.' Telegraph

In China's vast northwestern region, more than a million and a half Muslims have vanished into internment camps and associated factories. Based on hours of interviews with camp survivors and workers, thousands of government documents, and over a decade of research, Darren Byler, one of the leading experts on Uyghur society uncovers their plight.
Revealing a sprawling network of surveillance technology supplied by firms in both China and the West, Byler shows how the country has created an unprecedented system of Orwellian control. A definitive account of one of the world's gravest human rights violations, In the Camps is also a potent warning against the misuse of technology and big data.


Atlantic Books




ca. 126





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