Constitution of Yugoslavia

Constituent Assembly of the Federative People's Republic of Yugoslavia

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Beschreibung zu „Constitution of Yugoslavia“

The 'Constitution of Yugoslavia' is a foundational legal document that outlines the structure and principles of the Federative People's Republic of Yugoslavia. Written by the Constituent Assembly, the book covers a wide range of topics including the rights of citizens, the powers of government bodies, and the responsibilities of public officials. The prose is clear and concise, reflecting the importance of creating a stable and harmonious society in the aftermath of World War II. This document holds literary significance as a cornerstone of Yugoslav legal history and political thought, influencing subsequent constitutional developments in the region. The context of post-war Europe and the unique challenges faced by Yugoslavia at the time are evident in the detailed provisions and structures laid out in the constitution. The Constituent Assembly of the Federative People's Republic of Yugoslavia was tasked with the monumental responsibility of drafting a constitution that would set the groundwork for a new socialist society. Composed of representatives from various Yugoslav regions and political parties, the assembly worked diligently to create a document that would reflect the diverse interests and aspirations of the Yugoslav people. The resulting constitution stands as a testament to their collective efforts and commitment to building a unified and prosperous nation. I highly recommend 'Constitution of Yugoslavia' to readers interested in legal history, political theory, and the complexities of nation-building after conflict. This document provides valuable insights into the constitutional principles that shaped post-war Yugoslavia and serves as a crucial reference point for understanding the country's political development.


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