God Is Not Great

Christopher Hitchens

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Beschreibung zu „God Is Not Great“

In god is Not Great Hitchens turned his formidable eloquence and rhetorical energy to the most controversial issue in the world: God and religion. The result is a devastating critique of religious faith
god Is Not Great is the ultimate case against religion. In a series of acute readings of the major religious texts, Christopher Hitchens demonstrates the ways in which religion is man-made, dangerously sexually repressive and distorts the very origins of the cosmos. Above all, Hitchens argues that the concept of an omniscient God has profoundly damaged humanity, and proposes that the world might be a great deal better off without 'him'.

Über Christopher Hitchens

Christopher Hitchens, geboren 1949 im englischen Portsmouth, war als Buchautor und Auslandskorrespondent, Essayist, Literaturkritiker und Dozent tätig. Er schrieb regelmäßig u.a. für die New York Times, Slate, Vanity Fair und das Wall Street Journal. 2007 erschien sein Buch "Der Herr ist kein Hirte" im Blessing Verlag, 2011 sein Essay "Der Feind". Am 15. Dezember 2011 erlag Christopher Hitchens einer langen Krankheit.


Atlantic Books




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