Alcatraz vs. the Evil Librarians

Brandon Sanderson

Kinderbücher Jugendbücher

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Beschreibung zu „Alcatraz vs. the Evil Librarians“

Experience the action-packed first book in #1 New York Times bestselling author Brandon Sanderson's laugh-out-loud middle-grade fantasy series like never before—now in paperback with all new covers!


Everything I'd known about the world was a lie.

On my thirteenth birthday, I, Alcatraz Smedry (yes, I got named after a prison, don’t ask) received my inheritance: a bag of sand. And then I accidentally destroyed my foster parents’ kitchen. It’s not my fault, things just break around me, I swear!

I thought the sand was a joke until evil Librarians came to steal it. You’re probably thinking, “Librarians are nice people who recommend good books,” but that’s just what they want you to think! It turns out they’re actually a secret cult keeping the truth from you—a hidden world filled with magical eyeglasses, talking dinosaurs, and knights with crystal swords!

Or so my Grandpa Smedry claimed when he suddenly showed up to rescue me. So now I have to go with him to invade the local library and get that sand back, before it's used to conquer the world. And Grandpa says how I keep breaking things is actually an amazing talent. There’s no way that can all be true, right?

Will I ever make it back home alive?

"An excellent choice to read aloud to the whole family. Funny, exciting, and briskly paced." —NPR

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Über Brandon Sanderson

Brandon Sanderson, 1975 in Nebraska geboren, schreibt seit seiner Schulzeit phantastische Geschichten. Er studierte Englische Literatur und unterrichtet Kreatives Schreiben. Sein Debütroman »Elantris« avancierte in Amerika auf Anhieb zum Bestseller. Seit seinen »Kinder des Nebels«-Romanen und seinen Sturmlicht-Chroniken gilt Brandon Sanderson auch in Deutschland als einer der neuen Stars der Fantasy. Der Autor lebt mit seiner Familie in Provo, Utah.






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