In Too Deep: A gripping, page-turning crime thriller

Bea Davenport


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Beschreibung zu „In Too Deep: A gripping, page-turning crime thriller“

'A tense and suspenseful debut.' --Margaret Murphy

...The window's so small I can't see what happens next. But what I do know is that Kim is dead. And I know this, too that I helped to kill her. Kim, my lovely, only, best friend.

Five years ago Maura fled life in Dowerby and took on a new identity, desperately trying to piece her life back together and escape the dark clouds that plagued her past. But then a reporter tracks her down, and persuades her to tell her story, putting her own life in danger once again.

Layer upon layer of violence and deceit make up the full picture for Maura to see and the reporter to reveal. Hidden secrets are uncovered that have been left to settle, for far too long. But in life some things can't be left unsaid, and eventually the truth will out. Whatever the consequences.

A gripping thriller perfect for fans of Angela Marsons, Mark Edwards and B A Paris


Legend Press




ca. 231





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