The Complete Fairy Books (Vol.1-12)

400+ Stories in One Edition

Andrew Lang

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Beschreibung zu „The Complete Fairy Books (Vol.1-12)“

e-artnow presents to you this meticulously edited Andrew Lang's Complete Fairy Book Collection of classic fairytales, myths and folk tales. This epic collection includes the tales from Norse mythology, Arabian Nights, myths of American Indians, Australian Bushmen and African Kaffirs. The collections presents the greatest French, Spanish, Russian, Danish, Norwegian fairytales, Sicilian traditional tales, as well as stories from Persia, Lapland, Brazil, India, Romania, Serbia, Japan, China, Lithuania, Africa and Portugal…among others.
The Blue Fairy Book
The Red Fairy Book
The Green Fairy Book
The Yellow Fairy Book
The Pink Fairy Book
The Grey Fairy Book
The Violet Fairy Book
The Crimson Fairy Book
The Brown Fairy Book
The Orange Fairy Book
The Olive Fairy Book
The Lilac Fairy Book

Über Andrew Lang

Andrew Lang (1844 – 1912) was a collector of fairy tales and folklore from around the world. Between 1889 and 1910 he published a dozen books known as the coloured fairy books. He was also a historian and wrote hundreds of essays and short-stories. He died at age 68.






ca. 3752





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