What I Learned From Being a Cheerleader

Adrianne Ambrose


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Beschreibung zu „What I Learned From Being a Cheerleader“

Eleven-year-old Elaine Rewitzer is funny, smart and happy being a geek, but when she wins a spot on the Cross Creek Middle School Buccaneers cheerleading squad, she gets totally into her new life. Her mega-brain best friend Bethany warns that Elaine will just become "part of the herd," and her best geek-guy-pal, Tim, (who is struggling with nose polyps) feels forgotten. Will Elaine survive the roller coaster of pre-teen cheerleader fame? Will she win the heart of the cutest boy on the basketball team? Will she confess her "uncool" love for comic books? Will she lose Bethany and Tim's friendship for-evah? ABOUT THE AUTHOR: When not writing novels about cheerleaders, barbarians or vampires, Adrianne Ambrose is being nominated for video game awards starring dangerous high school girls. Adrianne contributes to the Fraggle Rock comic book series. www.adrianneambrose.com


Bell Bridge Books




ca. 175





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