Golf: Eat to win

Essen & Trinken auf der Runde

Dorothee Haering


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Beschreibung zu „Golf: Eat to win“

18 Löcher hoch konzentriert spielen und gut scoren, wer will das nicht. Wenn das nicht so recht klappen will, sollten Sie sich auch mit Ihrer Rundenverpflegung beschäftigen. Vielfach sind die Kohlenhydratzufuhr und das Trinken das schwächste Glied in der Kette der Leistungsfähigkeit. Das Gute: Kein anderer »Fehler« im Golf lässt sich so schnell und leicht ausmerzen. Move your Game!

Über Dorothee Haering

Dorothee Haering is a free-lance photographer and owner of the graphics and marketing agency "bildhaft", in Munich, Germany. Dorothee had her first experiences with golf between the ages of eight and eleven, as a caddy and in junior training. Later, life had other plans for her and there followed an involuntary golf-intermission lasting thirty-eight years until the golf addiction broke out again with a vengeance. She finally graduated in July 2006 at the age of 45 with her handicap certificate. Her goal for her (second) golf career: After five years should be a single-handicap on her club badge. In the book project "Move your Game", Dorothee Haering has gathered together the information that she would have liked to have possessed at the beginning of her own golf career. It would have made following her fiveyear plan to a single handicap more efficient. Justin Walsh is not only a Professional Golf Association and NLP trainer; he is also trained in sport hypnosis and energy psychology. He is a Trained Brain Coach at the Logical Golf Academy near Munich, Germany. His training method is an optimum combination of technical and mental golf training coupled with British humor.


move your game




ca. 6





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