Choice Cookery

Catherine Owen

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Beschreibung zu „Choice Cookery“

In Catherine Owen's 'Choice Cookery', readers are presented with a culinary masterpiece that not only provides practical recipes but also serves as a social commentary on Victorian society. The book's literary style is characterized by detailed instructions and elegant prose, reflecting Owen's expertise in the kitchen. Written during a time when women were expected to excel in domestic duties, 'Choice Cookery' stands out as a work that challenged traditional gender roles through the art of cooking. Owen's emphasis on quality ingredients and creative presentation also hints at her own progressive views on gastronomy. This cookbook is more than just a collection of recipes; it is a window into the world of Victorian cooking and cultural norms. Catherine Owen's background as a talented cook and writer informs the depth and precision of 'Choice Cookery'. Her passion for culinary arts shines through in every page, making the book a valuable resource for those interested in both history and gastronomy. Whether you are a seasoned chef or a curious novice, 'Choice Cookery' offers a delightful journey through the tastes and traditions of the past, making it a must-read for food enthusiasts of all kinds.


Good Press




ca. 160





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