The Present Method of Inoculating for the Small-Pox

To which are added, some experiments, instituted with a view to discover the effects of a similar treatment in the natural small-pox

Thomas Dimsdale

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Beschreibung zu „The Present Method of Inoculating for the Small-Pox“

"The Present Method of Inoculating for the Small-Pox" is a medical treatise on the inoculation against the dreaded disease that ravaged the world for many centuries, before being eradicated in the twentieth century. Author Thomas Dimsale, MD is a firm supporter of inoculation as a means of protection from the disease. He explains that, "The design of this treatise is to bring the practice still one step nearer to perfection, and lessen the ravages of a distemper, which is not a native of Britain, but, like the plague, has been imported from a foreign country, and demands the exertion of all the powers we are possessed of, either to exterminate it from amongst us, which perhaps is not practicable, or to render it less unsafe, if not wholly without difficulty or danger."


Good Press




ca. 87





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