Onanism display'd

Anonymous Edmund Curll

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Beschreibung zu „Onanism display'd“

In 'Onanism display'd', Anonymous delves into the controversial topic of self-pleasure with a mixture of prose and poetry in a style reminiscent of the 18th-century. The book provides a unique exploration of the moral, cultural, and psychological implications of the act of onanism during that era, shedding light on the societal attitudes towards sexual behavior. Through a combination of vivid descriptions and thoughtful analysis, the author challenges conventional beliefs and offers a thought-provoking perspective on human sexuality. 'Onanism display'd' stands out for its bold approach to a taboo subject and its artistic portrayal of a complex human experience. Anonymous, a mysterious figure in the literary world, likely felt compelled to write 'Onanism display'd' as a means of questioning societal norms and pushing boundaries. The author's anonymity adds a layer of intrigue to the text, inviting readers to ponder the motives behind the creation of such a controversial work. I recommend 'Onanism display'd' to readers interested in exploring the intersection of literature and sexuality, as well as those curious about the historical context of sexual taboos. This book offers a unique perspective on a timeless subject, making it a valuable addition to any scholarly library.


Good Press




ca. 45





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