The Endgame

The Inside Story of the Struggle for Iraq, from George W. Bush to Barack Obama

Bernard Trainor Michael Gordon

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Beschreibung zu „The Endgame“

The Endgame is the gripping and authoritative account of the secret military and political effort to pull Iraq from the precipice of full-scale civil war.
The book fuses unrivalled access to the in-fighting of Washington policymakers with analysis of strategizing by the generals and hard-fought operations on the battlefield. Along with access to classified documents, the authors draw from sources including military commanders, high-level intelligence operatives, White House aides, Iraqi officials and the soldiers who have tested both the Bush and Obama Administrations' strategies to their limits.
This is a book that will be discussed in the White House, the Pentagon and the command centres in Baghdad. It will be an enduring account of the most decisive period of this bitterly divisive war. It is the third volume in the Gordon-Trainor collaboration on the United States military involvement in Iraq; magisterial accounts that have stood the test of time.


Atlantic Books




ca. 983





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