Social life at Rome in the Age of Cicero

W. Warde Fowler

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Beschreibung zu „Social life at Rome in the Age of Cicero“

In 'Social Life at Rome in the Age of Cicero', W. Warde Fowler provides readers with a comprehensive picture of life and society in one of the most fascinating periods of Graeco-Roman civilization. While the political and constitutional history of this time has been widely studied, there are few works in the English language that offer insight into the daily lives, education, morals, and religion of the people who lived during this time. Using Marquardt's Privatleben der Römer and Cicero's correspondence, Fowler gives readers a look into the lower population, the governing aristocracy, marriage and the Roman lady, education of the upper classes, the slave population, the house of the rich man in town and country, the daily life of the well-to-do, holidays and public amusements, and religion.


Good Press




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