Lilliput Lyrics

R. Brimley Johnson W. B. Rands

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Beschreibung zu „Lilliput Lyrics“

This is an incredible collection of the most beloved poetry by one of the major authors of nursery rhymes of the Victorian era, William Brighty Rands. These verses are for the children with whom Rands was always at his best. The poems have been selected according to the tastes and understandings of the little ones and are written about several fascinating topics that they remain curious about.

The whole collection displayed Rands's wonderful ideas and imagery. In addition, he did an excellent job putting his thoughts into literary form throughout. These rhymes take the children on a beautiful journey into the fascinating world of poetry. It comprises several lyrics and non-sense rhymes, including, The Little Doll's House in Arcady, The Ship that Sailed into the Sun, Jolly Jack, The Fiddler and the Crocodile, and many more.


Good Press




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