With the Children on Sundays

Through Eye-Gate and Ear-Gate into the City of Child-Soul

Sylvanus Stall

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Beschreibung zu „With the Children on Sundays“

In 'With the Children on Sundays', Sylvanus Stall argues that Sunday should be the brightest, happiest, and most influential day of the week in every Christian home, especially for children. As such, Stall offers practical advice for parents on how to make Sundays a day of joyful religious training and character-building for their children through this book, which contains 52 short sermons that parents can use as tools for teaching spiritual truths to their children. Stall draws from his own experiences as a pastor and from families he has known to demonstrate the benefits of using Sunday afternoons for religious instruction. This illustrated book is a valuable resource for parents looking to create a happy and spiritually-rich environment in their homes.


Good Press




ca. 261





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