After London; Or, Wild England

Richard Jefferies

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Beschreibung zu „After London; Or, Wild England“

In Richard Jefferies' novel, 'After London: or, Wild England', we are transported to a post-apocalyptic England where civilization has collapsed, and nature has reclaimed the land. The story is divided into two parts, the first is a historical account of civilization's fall, and the second, an adventure set in a ruralized England. Jefferies' love of nature dominates the first part of the book, while the second part sees the protagonist, Felix, traveling to the site of fallen London and discovering a wasteland that is no longer the lush, green world that has dominated the narrative so far. The book is an early example of post-apocalyptic fiction that showcases Jefferies' distaste for the physical and moral corruption of urban society, and his yearning for a simpler life dominated by nature.


Good Press




ca. 245





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