Circle of Life

Inspirational Poetry for Mothers and Other Carers

Orna Ross

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Beschreibung zu „Circle of Life“

An illustrated book of poems about motherhood and caregiving.
Circle of Life is the fourth book in the Twelve Poems to Inspire series, poetry gift books for special events, like Christmas or Valentine’s Day, and life occasions, including loss and new beginnings.
The book is an ideal gift for a mother on Mother’s Day or anytime--and for anyone who nurtures or nurses, protects or pampers another.
As in the other books in this series, some of the poems here celebrate beauty but they are not all sweetness and light. Orna Ross's inspirational poetry is true to life’s most elemental forces, as well as the spirit concealed within.
This book understands that mothering is a practice, as well as an experience. Something we give as well as receive.

Whether we are male or female, whether we had a loving or cruel or neglectful mother, or no mother at all, we can still mother ourselves. And being well-mothered is what gives us the capacity to mother others.
Just like mother love, poetry love is best embraced as mystery and blessing. This book fosters both.






ca. 12





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