Ecstatic Trance

Ritual Body Postures - The Workbook

Nana Nauwald Felicitas D. Goodman

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Beschreibung zu „Ecstatic Trance“

The Groundwork to the Ritual Body Postures
and the Trance-Experience

Ritual Body Postures combined with sound and rhythm are door openers to manifold worlds of consciousness.

The anthropologist Dr. Felicitas D. Goodman (1914-2005) came to this insight through more than 20 years of research work. Nana Nauwald carries on this research for 25 years.

By combining a quick rhythm with special body postures found in different cultures and ages, reaching back up to 40,000 years, body and mind are stimulated to a conscious and creative interplay that leads into a heightened alert state of consciousness. The experience in the intentional induced state of trance can be a path to gain healthful insights. They can also open the doors to the potential of one's own creativity, one's own inner wisdom and strength and stimulate self-healing processes.

This workbook and reference book contains 65 Ritual Body Postures with extensive descriptions to take up a posture. It also includes pictures of ancient statues from which these postures originate and their historical and cultural background. Detailed drawings and photographs of the postures complete the practical instructions.

Über Nana Nauwald

Nana Nauwald, geb. 1947, Künstlerin, Autorin, Dozentin für Rituale der Wahrnehmung
Sie erforscht seit 32 Jahren schamanische Bewusstseinswelten in Südamerika, Sibirien, Nepal.
In Seminaren und Vorträgen inspiriert sie zu einem dem heutigen Leben entsprechenden kreativen Wirken durch im Schamanismus wurzelnden Methoden und Rituale
Sie ist Autorin mehrerer Bücher mit den Schwerpunkten Wahrnehmung, Naturerfahrung, Schamanismus.
In ihren farbenstarken Gemälden finden die Erfahrungen und Einsichten in die Vielfältigkeit des Bewusstseinsfeldes einen tiefen, berührenden Ausdruck und Eindruck.


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