An Introduction to the History of Western Europe

James Harvey Robinson

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Beschreibung zu „An Introduction to the History of Western Europe“

The historical novel "An Introduction to the History of Western Europe" is a work by University of Columbia professor James Harvey Robinson. Robison chooses to avoid certain episodes which he feels do not add much value to his readers. The space saved by these omissions has been used for three main purposes. Institutions under which Europe has lived for centuries, above all the Church, have been discussed with a good deal more fullness than is usual in similar manuals. The life and work of a few men of indubitably first-rate importance in the various fields of human endeavor—Gregory the Great, Charlemagne, Abelard, St. Francis, Petrarch, Luther, Erasmus, Voltaire, Napoleon, Bismarck—have been treated with care proportionate to their significance for the world. Lastly, the scope of the work has been broadened so that not only the political but also the economic, intellectual, and artistic achievements of the past form an integral part of the narrative.


Good Press




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