The Captured Scout of the Army of the James

A Sketch of the Life of Sergeant Henry H. Manning, of the Twenty-fourth Mass. Regiment

H. Clay Trumbull

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Beschreibung zu „The Captured Scout of the Army of the James“

"The Captured Scout of the Army of the James: A Sketch of the Life of Sergeant Henry H. Manning, of the Twenty-fourth Mass. Regiment" by H. Clay Trumbull is a poignant account of the life and experiences of Sergeant Henry H. Manning during the American Civil War. Trumbull provides a detailed and intimate portrait of Manning, highlighting his bravery, sacrifices, and dedication to his comrades. Through Manning's story, the book sheds light on the challenges faced by soldiers on the front lines and offers a glimpse into the realities of war. Trumbull's writing captures the heroism and resilience of the soldiers, honoring their contributions to the Union cause.


Good Press




ca. 28





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