A brief narrative of the Fourth Tennessee Cavalry Regiment, Wheeler's Corps, Army of Tennessee

George B. Guild

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Beschreibung zu „A brief narrative of the Fourth Tennessee Cavalry Regiment, Wheeler's Corps, Army of Tennessee“

In 'A brief narrative of the Fourth Tennessee Cavalry Regiment, Wheeler's Corps, Army of Tennessee' by George B. Guild, the reader is given a detailed account of the experiences of the Fourth Tennessee Cavalry Regiment during the Civil War. Guild's literary style is straightforward and historical, providing a valuable resource for those interested in military history. The book is rich in details about the regiment's movements, battles, and struggles, and offers a unique perspective on the conflict. Guild's work reflects the historical context of the time period, shedding light on the tactics and challenges faced by Confederate forces. Through meticulous research and firsthand accounts, Guild brings to life the bravery and sacrifice of these soldiers. George B. Guild's background as a historian and military enthusiast undoubtedly influenced his writing of this book. His passion for preserving the historical record shines through in his meticulous research and attention to detail. I highly recommend 'A brief narrative of the Fourth Tennessee Cavalry Regiment' to anyone interested in Civil War history, military strategy, or Southern history. Guild's work provides a valuable and insightful perspective on a lesser-known aspect of the war.


Good Press




ca. 194





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