History of Computer Science

Technology, Application and Organization

Georg E. Schäfer

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Beschreibung zu „History of Computer Science“

The history of Computer Science is a picture of dramatic changes. European Scientists discovered many basic methods needed for computing. American companies saw the commercial potential. Asian factories produce first class products like mobile devices. Chinese supercomputing is one of the leaders in the race to exascale computing power. Freedom of information, Open Data and Open Government are impossible without open Internet and net neutrality. Privacy and security issues become important human rights while all of our avatars collect myriads of data and know more about us than we know ourselves. Cloud Computing is the key for commercial organization of computing in the future. Everyone needs orientation in this fast changing world. A look into the history of computer science provides help to understand ICT technology of today.

Über Georg E. Schäfer

Georg E. Schäfer hat bei BoD die Bücher "Mythen" und "History of Computer Science" veröffentlicht. Das vorliegende Buch zeigt Skizzen seines langjährigen Freunds Ulf Harr. Ulf Harr ist ein Ulmer Architekt und Künstler. In vielen liebevoll und hintersinnigen Bildern hat er das Ulmer Leben, seine Urlaubsregionen und Erlebnisse festgehalten.


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