Alfred Tennyson

Andrew Lang

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Beschreibung zu „Alfred Tennyson“

Andrew Lang's 'Alfred Tennyson' is a comprehensive study of the life and works of the celebrated poet. Drawing primarily from Lord Tennyson's biography and the text of Tennyson's poems, Lang offers his own unique impressions and analysis of the poetry. Rather than relying on the opinions of others, Lang focuses on his own understanding of Tennyson's work, even venturing to disagree with a well-known critic on a few points. Throughout the book, Lang touches on Tennyson's influences from Greek, Latin, and old Italian writers, while dismissing the notion of "unconscious reminiscence" and the obsession with hunting down parallels. This insightful and engaging book is organized into chapters detailing Tennyson's life and poetic evolution, providing a valuable resource for fans of the poet and those interested in the history of English literature.

Über Andrew Lang

Andrew Lang (1844 – 1912) was a collector of fairy tales and folklore from around the world. Between 1889 and 1910 he published a dozen books known as the coloured fairy books. He was also a historian and wrote hundreds of essays and short-stories. He died at age 68.


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