Learning AngularJS for .NET Developers

Alex Pop

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Beschreibung zu „Learning AngularJS for .NET Developers“

In Detail

AngularJS is the most popular JavaScript MVC framework, and it embraces and extends HTML rather than abstracting it. The building of single-page applications is a web-designer-friendly process with the AngularJS expressive HTML vocabulary. It drastically reduces the amount of JavaScript required to control complex user interactions and enforces a modular approach to structuring your JavaScript code.

This book covers all of the stages of building a single-page web application, starting with frontend components powered by AngularJS, continuing with web services that leverage ServiceStack, and putting it all together in an ASP.NET MVC application. You will learn a development process focused on rapid delivery and testability for all application layers.


This is a step-by-step, example-driven guide that uses a gradual introduction of concepts; most of the chapters also contain an annotated exploration of how to build a specific part of a production-ready application.

Who this book is for

If you are a .NET developer that has already built web applications or web services with a fundamental knowledge of HTML, JavaScript, and CSS, and want to explore single-page applications, then this book will give you a great start. The frameworks, tools, and libraries mentioned here will make you productive and minimize the friction usually associated with building server-side web applications.


Packt Publishing




ca. 177





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