Some Principles of Frontier Mountain Warfare

W. D. Bird

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Beschreibung zu „Some Principles of Frontier Mountain Warfare“

In 'Some Principles of Frontier Mountain Warfare' by W. D. Bird, readers are taken on a detailed exploration of the strategies and tactics necessary for success in warfare within mountainous terrains. Bird's book is not only a practical guide to military operations but also a scholarly examination of historical battles in mountain regions, providing valuable insights for both military enthusiasts and historians. The writing style is straightforward and informative, making it accessible to a wide range of readers. The book is essential reading for those interested in military history or aspiring military tacticians. Bird's comprehensive analysis of mountain warfare demonstrates his deep understanding of the subject matter. His firsthand experience as a military strategist provides a unique perspective that adds depth to the book. Overall, 'Some Principles of Frontier Mountain Warfare' is a must-read for anyone seeking a deeper understanding of the challenges and strategies involved in mountain warfare.


Good Press




ca. 22





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