Dragon Storm: Skye and Soulsinger

Skye and Soulsinger

Alastair Chisholm


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Beschreibung zu „Dragon Storm: Skye and Soulsinger“

The eighth book in a thrilling, magical, and action-packed new fantasy series, illustrated throughout and perfect for 7-9 year olds!

In the land of Draconis, there are no dragons.

Once, there were. Once, humans and dragons were friends, and created the great city of Rivven together.

But then came the Dragon Storm, and the dragons retreated from the world of humans.

To the men and women of Draconis, they became legends and myth.

When Princess Skye returns to Rivven she discovers a city in chaos. After an attack by the fearsome dragon Firedreamer, everyone is preparing to go to war with the Dragonseer Guild!

But Skye knows the Guild is not a threat, and something is terribly wrong. Can she find her own dragon, Soulsinger, and stop this war before dragons disappear forever?

The eighth book in an exciting new fantasy series from the highly acclaimed author of Orion Lost, brilliantly illustrated throughout, and perfect for fans of Beast Quest and Dragon Mountain.


Nosy Crow Ltd




ca. 40





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