Treatment of Eating Disorders by Emotion Regulation

Valerija Sipos Ulrich Schweiger

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Beschreibung zu „Treatment of Eating Disorders by Emotion Regulation“

Eating disorders belong to the leading causes of lost life years in young adult women. Current behavioral treatments are efficacious but reach only part of the affected women. The treatment presented in this book differs from many prior treatment approaches in that it assumes that disturbed eating behavior is a consequence of difficulties in emotion regulation. It focuses on imparting skills that improve self-management, foster mindful and healthy eating behavior, emotion regulation, social skills and distress tolerance.
"Treatment of Eating Disorders by Emotion Regulation" has a modular structure and is designed for use as the basis for inpatient and outpatient treatment and besides that has a self-help manual. It contains a plenty of psychoeducational materials, work sheets, case vignettes and background information for therapists.

Über Valerija Sipos

Dr. Valerija Sipos ist leitende Psychologin an der Klinik für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie der Universität Lübeck. Prof. Dr. Ulrich Schweiger, Facharzt für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie sowie psychosomatische Medizin, ist stellvertretender Direktor der Klinik für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie der Universität Lübeck.


Kohlhammer Verlag




ca. 212





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