Line Training for Dogs

How it's done

Monika Gutmann

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Beschreibung zu „Line Training for Dogs“

Unless they're on a lead, many dogs refuse to come back to their owners, and simply do as they please. Dogs like these commonly spend their lives on leads that are much too short, so are unable to enjoy the privilege of running free in meadows and fields, because they haven't learned to take notice of their owners and come back on call or whistle. The advice that's often given to anyone who owns a dog like this is to give line training a try, but not many people know how it's done. This is the first book published on this subject and provides step-by-step guidance on how to perform successful line training with your dog.

Über Monika Gutmann

Monika Gutmann betreibt zusammen mit Ihrem Mann die Hundeschule Modern Dogs im Allgäu. Ihre Schwerpunkte sind die Welpen- und Junghundeerziehung, Clickertraining, sowie das Rückruf- und Anti-Jagd-Training. Sie arbeitet seit vielen Jahren mit ganz unterschiedlichen Hunden erfolgreich mit der Schleppleine und hat ein Trainingsprogramm entwickelt, nach dem jeder Hundebesitzer Schritt für Schritt mit seinem Hund arbeiten kann.


Cadmos Publishing




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