Hemp Oil & CBD

A Concise, Straightforward Beginner’s Guide to Hemp Oil & CBD for Better Health, Better Mood and Faster Healing

Joshua Harris

Gesundheit & Ernährung

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Hemp Oil & CBD

A Concise, Straightforward Beginner’s Guide to Hemp Oil & CBD for Better Health, Better Mood and Faster Healing

Hemp and CBD oils, while coming from the same plant, have different areas of origin and different composition. The two oils have different uses and the mechanisms of procuring these oils are also different. For Hemp Oil, while the plant is still Cannabis Sativa, it is one with reduced tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) to ensure that the effects of THC are minimized. Hemp oil comes from the seeds of the plant and is pressed out from the said leaves with some application of heat along the way. The oil contains minimum levels of the active ingredients as both CBD and THC levels are lowered thanks to the choice of plant species and the type of extraction method. Hemp oil can be used quite regularly because of the low amounts of active ingredients.

CBD oil is produced from the leaves, stems and buds/flowers of the Cannabis Sativa plant. The mechanism of extraction requires application of maximal amount of heat to ensure decarboxylation. This particular product contains CBD in higher quantities and since the component has medicinal value, it is stored away for more medical usage rather than a regular use.

Über Joshua Harris

Joshua Harris wurde am 30.12.1974 in Dayton, Ohio geboren. Im Alter von 17 Jahren hielt er bereits öffentliche Vorträge. 1997 schrieb er sein erstes Buch. Der Pastor der Covenant Life Church in Gaithersburg, Maryland, diente Joshua als Mentor. Im Jahre 2004 übernahm Joshua selber das Amt des Pastors in der Covenant Life Church. Seine Frau Shannon, eine Sängerin, heiratete er 1999. Die beiden haben zwei Kinder, Emma und Josua Quinn. Sein Anliegen ist es, jungen Erwachsenen Gottes Sicht über Liebe und Freundschaft näher zu bringen.






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