James Joyce

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Beschreibung zu „FINNEGANS WAKE“

This eBook edition of "FINNEGANS WAKE" has been formatted to the highest digital standards and adjusted for readability on all devices.
Finnegans Wake is a novel by Irish writer James Joyce. It is significant for its experimental style and reputation as one of the most audacious works of fiction in the English language. Written in Paris over a period of seventeen years, and published in 1939, two years before the author's death, Finnegans Wake was Joyce's final work. The book discusses, in an unorthodox fashion, the Earwicker family, comprising the father HCE, the mother ALP, and their three children Shem the Penman, Shaun the Postman, and Issy.
James Joyce (2 February 1882 – 13 January 1941) was an Irish novelist, short story writer, and poet. He contributed to the modernist avant-garde and is regarded as one of the most influential and important authors of the 20th century.

Über James Joyce

James Joyce (1882–1941) gilt als einer der einflussreichsten Vertreter der literarischen Moderne in Europa. Wenige Autoren haben stärker auf das 20. Jahrhundert eingewirkt als der revolutionäre irische Sprachmagier. Besonders sein Erfindungsreichtum fasziniert: Wie kein Zweiter beherrschte Joyce das Spiel der Wortschöpfungen und poetischen Lautmalereien.


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