Multiple Sklerose

Klinik, Diagnostik und Therapie

Heinz Wiendl Bernd C. Kieseier Catharina Korsukewitz

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Beschreibung zu „Multiple Sklerose“

There has been a fundamental change in our understanding of multiple sclerosis in recent years, affecting the pathogenesis of the condition as well its treatment, diagnosis and care. This volume presents these advances in a clear and application-oriented way and reflects all areas of the current state of knowledge on multiple sclerosis. As a reference work as well as a guide, it provides specific recommendations on diagnosis and therapy, with a focus on practical issues and aspects of patient care. In addition to background information about suspected pathological mechanisms, approaches to treatment monitoring are presented using diagrams. The book is rounded off by an overview of proven and new drugs, their mechanisms of action and aspects that need to be taken into account when there is a possible change of therapy. The book represents a unique companion for everyday clinical practice in the German-speaking countries.

Über Heinz Wiendl

Prof. Dr. Heinz Wiendl ist Direktor der Klinik und Poliklinik für Neurologie, Entzündliche Erkrankungen des Nervensystems und Neuroonkologie an der Westfälischen-Wilhelms-Universität Münster. Prof. Dr. Bernd Kieseier ist stellvertretender Klinikdirektor an der Neurologischen Klinik der Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf.


Kohlhammer Verlag




ca. 284





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