The Whisperer in Darkness

H.P. Lovecraft

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Beschreibung zu „The Whisperer in Darkness“

"The Whisperer in Darkness" is a story by H. P. Lovecraft. The story is told by Albert N. Wilmarth, an instructor of literature at Miskatonic University in Arkham. When local newspapers report strange things seen floating in rivers during a historic Vermont flood, Wilmarth becomes embroiled in a controversy about the reality and significance of the sightings, though he sides with the skeptics, blaming old legends about monsters living in uninhabited hills who abduct people who venture too close to their territory.He receives a letter from one Henry Wentworth Akeley, a man who lives in an isolated farmhouse near Townshend, Vermont. He affirms that he has proof that will convince Wilmarth that he must stop focusing on the race's existence. The two exchange letters, including a record of the extraterrestrial race chanting with human agents, who worship several beings, including Cthulhu and Nyarlathotep, the latter of whom "shall put on the semblance of men, the waxen mask and the robe that hides".The agents intercept Akeley's messages and harass his farmhouse nightly. Akeley and the agents exchange gunfire and many of Akeley's guard dogs are killed. Although Akeley expresses more in his letters, he abruptly has a change of heart. He writes that he has met with the extraterrestrial beings and has learned that they are peaceful. Furthermore, they have taught him of marvels beyond all imagination. He urges Wilmarth to pay him a visit and to bring along the letters and photographic evidence that he had sent him. Wilmarth reluctantly consents.Wilmarth arrives to find Akeley in a pitiful physical condition, immobilized in a chair in darkness. Akeley tells Wilmarth about the extraterrestrial race and the wonders they have revealed to him. He also says that the beings can surgically extract a human brain and place it into a canister wherein it can live indefinitely and withstand the rigors of outer space travel and shows proof to Wilmarth. Akeley says he has agreed to undertake such a journey and points to a cylinder bearing his name. During this conversation, Wilmarth feels a vague sense of unease, especially from Akeley's odd manner of buzzing whispering.During the night, a sleepless Wilmarth overhears a disturbing conversation with several voices, and a departing. When he investigates, he makes a horrifying discovery and escapes the farmhouse by stealing Akeley's car. When the authorities investigate the next day, they find nothing but a bullet-riddled house. Akeley has disappeared, along with all the physical evidence of the extraterrestrial presence. Wilmarth reveals the discovery that drove him out was a disembodied face and hands. We are led to conclude that it was not Akeley who had sat in the chair and conversed with him but one of the Mi-Go in disguise, as Akeley's brain was in the named cylinder.

Über H.P. Lovecraft

Howard Phillip Lovecraft (1890-1937) nació en Nueva Inglaterra, un paisaje que convirtió en escenario de ficción. Sus historias heredaron la tradición de cuentos de horror góticos y de autores como Edgar Allan Poe. Pero Lovecraft estableció sus propias normas. Prescindió de fantasmas y vampiros, para situar el horror en las entrañas del universo.
Sus primeros relatos aparecieron en revistas pulp como Weird Tales. La llamada de Cthulhu (1926), una deidad monstruosa que habita la Tierra, es la base de los mitos, que construyó a lo largo de su obra junto a los escritores del Círculo de Cthulhu. En su mundo, poblado de seres de otras dimensiones, las leyes de la humanidad carecen de valor. Pero el hombre es incapaz de comprender su insignificancia ante la magnitud del cosmos.
Joyce Carol Oates calificó de incalculable la influencia de Lovecraft. Sus creaciones han inspirado a escritores, dibujantes y músicos, y están presentes en el cine e incluso en juegos de rol. Para Stephen King no había otro creador de cuentos de horror del siglo XX que superara a H. P. Lovecraft, el hombre que llevó el género más allá de la fantasía y la ciencia ficción.






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