The Millionaire Mystery

Fergus Hume

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Beschreibung zu „The Millionaire Mystery“

Fergus Hume's 'The Millionaire Mystery' is a captivating tale of suspense and intrigue set in the late 19th century. The book follows the story of a young millionaire who is found murdered in his luxurious mansion, sending shockwaves through the high society of London. Hume's writing style is reminiscent of the classic detective novels of the time, filled with intricate plot twists and colorful characters. The author skillfully weaves together a web of clues and red herrings, keeping readers guessing until the very end. 'The Millionaire Mystery' showcases Hume's talent for crafting a compelling mystery that will leave readers on the edge of their seats. It is a must-read for fans of Victorian-era detective fiction and those who enjoy a good old-fashioned whodunit. Hume's background as a law clerk and his interest in the criminal justice system undoubtedly influenced the intricate storyline and meticulous attention to detail displayed in this gripping novel.


Good Press




ca. 171





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