My King

Yossef Ohana

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Beschreibung zu „My King“

How to overcome barriers blocking us from success? All explained in a new book by author Yossef Ohana. The book, called "My King" brings us the modern story of a young enthusiastic guy called Amos who dreams of becoming a multi-billionaire. Who among us does not dream of bags of cash in their bank? We all do! And so do our hero Amos, and he will stop at nothing in his way for the prize. But soon it becomes clear that the sins of our character, including cheating on his fiance with the occasion girl he meets on-line "blocks" his energy from being positive and denying him of his financial goal. Join Amos in his journey to overcome his biggest obstacle, flunking him on his way to success. This is a story of power, money, sins and betrayals. Certainly each of us can relate to a wash out reality star trying to recruit his strength on the way to the top.


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