Making Space

Raising Hidden Voices of the Swedish LGBTQIA+ Community

X Kabir Rachel McDonald

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Beschreibung zu „Making Space“

This book is a part of SFQs ongoing work towards intersectionality and inclusiveness. It is even a protest against the growing right-wing extremism and racism in Sweden. This research used in-depth qualitative interviews with students to present a deeper intersectional understanding of how homophobia, transphobia, biphobia, racism, and similar forms of discrimination, are experienced and maintained within the social spaces that non-Swedish and/or non-white LGBTQIA+ people living in Sweden move within. From a critical feminist theories perspective, this book presents stories that show the intersectionality of the layers of struggles, discrimination, and violence that LGBTQIA+ people living in Sweden face. Finally, this book discusses a way forward and presents a critical reflection, with specific recommendations, on how to make safer and more inclusive spaces for the diverse LGBTQIA+ community in Sweden.


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