Red, Red Azalea

Poverty Alleviation Series Volume Three

Wang Song

Politik & Gesellschaft

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Beschreibung zu „Red, Red Azalea“

The Targeted Poverty Alleviation programme was proposed by President Xi in 2013 and aims to give poor people the resources to lift themselves out of poverty. No fewer than three million cadres have been sent to the least developed areas of the country to educate, inspire and help the most impoverished people with financial support, jobs and business opportunities. The authors of this series of books visited some of the villages that were previously very poor, to document how developments in education, agriculture, health and tourism had created positive change. The authors wrote about what they saw, what they heard, how they felt in these areas and rendered them into touching and vivid stories. The south of Jiangxi Province is the well-known red revolutionary base area. Wang Song mainly describes the five most representative counties of poverty alleviation with characteristics and outstanding achievements –Yudu County, Shicheng County, Xingguo County, Quannan County and Longnan County in his reportage Red, Red Azalea. This reportage is structured with scatters stories in panorama view and renders the poverty alleviation vividly together with the revolution in the past, full of specific details of stories and characters, making it remarkable by its profound thoughts and political speculations, as well as historical depth and global vision.






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