50 Shades of Marketing

Money for nothing and toilet paper for free

Walter Schönthaler

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Beschreibung zu „50 Shades of Marketing“

"50 Shades of Marketing" is a satire novel about food discount and speculation with agricultural raw material. Under the surface, it is an analysis of some of the absurdities in the economy, written by an insider who was part of the system since more than three decades.

The story is told by a 20 Eurocent coin and a 1 Eurocent coin. They had fallen to the floor of a checkout cashier and are now stuck in an invisible and hidden location, covered with dust, and with no hope to be rescued. The two coins, Koin, Sr. and Koin, Jr. tell the story, and they complain about the declining importance of cash currency, about the dominance of the financial industry and the stagnation of the real economy.


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