Lernziel: Positives Sozial- und Kommunikationsverhalten

Soziale Cartoons für Kinder im Grundschulalter

Vera Bernard-Opitz

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Beschreibung zu „Lernziel: Positives Sozial- und Kommunikationsverhalten“

In their early years at school, children learn more than arithmetic, reading and writing. Equally important is the development of social skills. Although there is plenty of syllabus material for the official curriculum, material on social behaviour and character formation are hard to find. This workbook provides a clear learning structure for the purpose. It features over 130 cartoons illustrating everyday problem situations and possible solutions relating to eight key long-term goals such as reliability, ability to join in teamwork, self-control, empathy, and communication skills. Using these, standard school and special education students can be encouraged to adopt positive forms of behaviour that are important at school, in the family, and in later working life.

Über Vera Bernard-Opitz

Dr. Vera Bernard-Opitz (Assoc. Prof. NUS) hat als Klinische Psychologin und Verhaltenstherapeutin (VT, BCBA-D) in Deutschland, Singapur und Kalifornien mit mehr als 1.000 autistischen Kindern gearbeitet. Dr. Anne Häußler ist Pädagogin und Psychologin. Beide sind international anerkannte Autismus Spezialistinnen.


Kohlhammer Verlag




ca. 33





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