The triumphs of perseverance and enterprise, recorded as examples for the young

Thomas Cooper

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Beschreibung zu „The triumphs of perseverance and enterprise, recorded as examples for the young“

In Thomas Cooper's 'The Triumphs of Perseverance and Enterprise, Recorded as Examples for the Young,' the author presents a collection of inspiring stories showcasing individuals who have overcome adversity through sheer perseverance and drive. Written in a straightforward and accessible style, Cooper's book serves as a moral compass for the youth of his time, emphasizing the importance of hard work and determination in the face of challenges. Set against the backdrop of the Industrial Revolution, the book highlights the changing social and economic landscape of the era, making it a significant literary work in the context of the time. Cooper's narrative style is engaging and thought-provoking, capturing the reader's attention from start to finish. Thomas Cooper, a prominent figure in the early 19th century British literary scene, drew inspiration from his own struggles and successes to pen this motivational collection. His background as a political activist and poet lends credibility to the stories he shares, making them all the more impactful and relevant. I highly recommend 'The Triumphs of Perseverance and Enterprise' to readers seeking uplifting tales of resilience and ambition, as well as those interested in the cultural and historical context of the Industrial Revolution.


Good Press




ca. 197





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