
Síofra McSherry

Poesie, Lyrik & Prosa

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Beschreibung zu „Requiem“

Written in memory of her mother, who died of motor neurone disease in 2012, the poems of Requiem roughly cover the timespan of an illness, death, and burial. The formal structure is based on the Catholic Requiem Mass as it has been set as a choral piece by Giuseppe Verdi, Gabriel Fauré, Maurice Duruflé, and many others. The poems quote from other classical and folk works about the underworld and the passage into death, juxtaposing the engagement with the old text with modern references.
Winner of the Poetry Book Society Spring Pamphlet Choice.
2. Kyrie
Lord have mercy upon her

Christ have mercy upon her

Day have mercy upon her

Night have mercy upon her

Bed have mercy upon her

Hoist have mercy upon her

Catheter have mercy upon her

Needle have mercy upon her

Gastrostomy have mercy upon her

Citalopram have mercy upon her

Riluzole have mercy upon her

Morphine have mercy upon her [...]


The Emma Press




ca. 10





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