Hamburgers, Hot Dogs, and Hugs

Real Stories of Faith, Kindness, Caring, Hope, and Humor Served up at a Small Diner with a Plate of Comfort Food and a Side of Unconditional Love

Randy Walters

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Beschreibung zu „Hamburgers, Hot Dogs, and Hugs“

Do you look someone in the eyes as you walk down the street, or do you simply pass them without making any verbal or nonverbal contact?
If you choose to avoid contact, you are simply choosing not to share any of your Superpowers: The abilities of uninvited kindness and unconditional love.
These abilities can manifest as a simple hello, a nod of the head while looking someone in the eyes, a smile as you pass them, or even a hug. While it may not seem like much to you, it could literally mean the difference between life and death for someone who is feeling hopeless, alone, depressed, or in deep emotional pain.
The stories in this book will show you how powerful and possibly life-changing love and kindness can be. Every person you meet gives you the chance to use your superpowers, and possibly, become someone's superhero!






ca. 69





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