Amazon SimpleDB: LITE

Prabhakar Chaganti Rich Helms

Medizin, Wissenschaft & Technik

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Beschreibung zu „Amazon SimpleDB: LITE“

In Detail

Amazon's SimpleDB is a highly scalable, simple-to-use, and inexpensive database in the cloud from Amazon Web Services. But in order to use SimpleDB, you really have to change your mindset. This isn't a traditional relational database; in fact it's not relational at all. For developers who have experience working with relational databases, this may lead to misconceptions as to how SimpleDB works.

This focused book is all about Amazon SimpleDB, quickly understanding its power and value, and how to get up and running fast.

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This focused book is an extracted LITE version of Packt's full: Amazon SimpleDB Developer Guide. It concentrates on getting a grounding in the value of SimpleDB, and shows how to set up an AWS account, enable a SimpleDB service for the account, and install and set up libraries for Java, PHP, and Python.

Who this book is for

If you are a developer wanting to get to grips with a primer into SimpleDB, then this book is for you. You do not need to know anything about SimpleDB to read and learn from this book, and no basic knowledge is strictly necessary.


Packt Publishing




ca. 69





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