Ballistol for Skin and Wound Care

Skin Wound Oil Dr. Schmid

Peter Schmid

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Beschreibung zu „Ballistol for Skin and Wound Care“

Ballistol is safe in its use for wounds, on skin and mucosa and for exposed gut.
There were several incidents of a suspected allergic reaction to Ballistol, however, re-exposure did not create any problems.
Ballistol can be used as a disinfectant. Its use does not hinder wound healing; it seems to even promote wound healing as opposed to other disinfectants.
In wounds, Ballistol has a local anesthetic affect, and it facilitates the dressing change due to its lubricant effect.
Since it is water soluble it can be completely washed out of wounds with normal saline or drinking water.
Ballistol can be used with Vac systems, with PolymemR and also with a Chloramine 0.1% solution.
It is feasible to have patients change themselves their wound dressings using drinking water to irrigate and clean the wound as needed, followed by the application of Ballistol into the wound and its surroundings.
The wound may be covered with clean, even non-sterile gauzes wetted with Ballistol. This allows for a very cost-efficient and readily available treatment.
Ballistol is available in most countries in weapon shops and it is affordable.
All these properties make the use of Ballistol attractive especially in third World countries and in situations with limited resources.


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