Farewell to East Prussia

A German Boy's Experiences before and during World War II

Erhard Schulz Ortrun Schulz

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Beschreibung zu „Farewell to East Prussia“

The author describes his childhood on his parents' farm in East Prussia and the first school years in Erlenrode und Kuckerneese.
The Second World War changes people's lives. As an eleven-year-old boy, along with his mother and two brothers, he experiences the Great Trek on a horse-drawn harvest wagon. It starts in October 1944 and ends six months later in April 1945, after a drive of more than 750 miles through East Prussia, West Prussia, Pomerania, Mecklenburg, and Lower Saxony to Sievershausen near Hannover, Germany. The stages of their struggle and their encounters along the way are depicted with remarkable honesty. Many striking details, often strange and unimaginable, sometimes touching to the heart, are included.

Über Erhard Schulz

Der Autor, ERHARD SCHULZ wurde 1933 in der Elchniederung, Nord-Ostpreußen, geboren. Nach der Flucht Schulabschluss an der Oberschule Lehrte. Gelernter Industriekaufmann, staatlich geprüfter Bilanzbuchhalter.
Vierzig Berufsjahre bei Hanomag, Salzgitter-Chemie und Bahlsens Keksfabrik.
Seit 1995 im Ruhestand. Im Jahr 2010 verstarb er an Bauchspeicheldrüsenkrebs.


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