Super Juice Diet Recipes

Lose Weight in 7 Days or Less With Juice Alone

Mia James

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Beschreibung zu „Super Juice Diet Recipes“

Lose Weight Real Fast with SUPER JUICE DIET RECIPES

t’s so simple with the following steps:

Choose the days you want to embark on a juice diet Process your fruits and vegetables into juice with your juicer Drink up to a fast body metabolism for a rapid weight loss.

This book contains an array of fruits to juice to help your body lose weight real fast in DAYS! Recipes are easy to work with to help you achieve that GREAT BODY you have always longed for. All you need is to juice the recipes and sip!

In addition to a rapid weight loss, embarking on a juice diet with give your body:

A fortified immune system against diseases and infections A detoxified body: body cleansed inside out from unwanted and harmful elements A radiant and healthy skin and hair A sharp brain and mind And many more.

What are you waiting for? Click download and help your body stay in enviable shape and form with these recipes

Über Mia James

Mia James ist in London geboren und aufgewachsen. Wenn sie dort nicht gerade Friedhöfe besucht oder durch Covent Garden streift (natürlich nur zu Recherchezwecken, nicht etwa zum Shoppen), sitzt sie schreibend an ihrem alten viktorianischen Schreibtisch, von dem sie den Eindruck hat, dass es dort spuken könnte. Mit der "Ravenwood"-Trilogie gibt sie ihr Debut als Romanautorin.






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