Esports Funding Guide

How esports teams, organizations and sports clubs can create solid, profitable revenue streams to secure the operation and development of their esports activities.

Martin Fritzen

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Beschreibung zu „Esports Funding Guide“

This book is written for esports teams, organizations and sports clubs working with esports. It exists to provide a wide range of ideas and suggestions of potential revenue streams so you can develop and run profitable esports teams and organizations.

You will get a collection of successful experiences and strategies from over 100 esports clubs and organizations and ideas from over 50 brands, esports and gaming industry leaders to understand why and how they execute partnerships in esports.

The suggestions found in this book are all based on personal experiences working to help build esports in Denmark. All the advice provided to you has been tried and tested in esports organizations of all sizes and will hopefully help you achieve your organization's goals as well.

This book includes:
+ Experiences from over 100 esports organizations
+ 23 concrete ways to generate revenue
+ Ideas from esports industry leaders
+ A case study of an active esports organization


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