History Hacking

English Edition

Mario Arndt

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Beschreibung zu „History Hacking“

History analyst and author Mario Arndt writes about topics you won't find in traditional history books. His analyses of official history reveal how the Middle Ages, the ancient world, and the associated chronologies were fabricated and forged. This is a book like no other!

Hack #0: History Hacking - Anything goes
Hack #1: The made-up lists of kings in the Middle Ages
Hack #2: The made-up chronology of antiquity
Hack #3: The numerical code of the Bible in history
Hack #4: The 800-year cycle in history
Hack #5: Charlemagne - the made-up Emperor
Hack #6: Augustus - the made-up first Roman Emperor
Hack #7: The new dating of the astronomical reports of antiquity
Hack #8: Jesus Christ on the imperial throne
Hack #9: The made-up list of popes
Hack #10: An new chronology of the history of mankind

This book is so intelligent and entertaining at the same time that it is a must read.


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