Doom of the Dragon

A Dragonships of Vindras Novel

Margaret Weis Tracy Hickman


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Beschreibung zu „Doom of the Dragon“

The climatic fourth and final novel in the Dragonships of Vindras series, Doom of the Dragon, by Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman.

In three previous novels, Skylan Ivorson overcame obstacles that would have defeated a lesser man, rising from obscurity to become the Chief of Chiefs of the fearsome Vindrasi who sail their living dragonships far and wide to raid and plunder for the glory of the gods. However, a cruel twist of fate struck him down before he and his beloved could complete their quest for the five sacred dragonbones that would summon the great dragon Ilyrion and save their people from destruction at the hands of an evil god. But even true death is denied him, and his destiny is unfulfilled.

Caught between life and death, he must lead those who journeyed with him to battle the evil god and the vast army of the god and his human emperor. Skylan must fight as he never has before to win back his life and his love, while seeking the last Spiritbone--the key to summoning the ultimate victory--before it can be snatched away by the forces of evil.

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Über Margaret Weis

Margaret Weis und Tracy Hickman gehören zu den beliebtesten und meistgelesenen Fantasy-Autoren der Welt, seit sie Mitte der 80er Jahre mit den unvergessenen Chroniken der Drachenlanze den Grundstein der vielschichtigen und noch immer wachsenden Drachenlanze-Saga gelegt haben. Zwar haben sie sich gelegentlich – teils gemeinsam, teils allein – auch anderen Projekten zugewandt, etwa den ebenfalls bei Blanvalet erschienenen Trilogien "Der Stein der Könige" und "Das verbotene Land", doch sie sind immer wieder gerne ins Reich der Drachenlanze zurückgekehrt, im Falle der Verlorenen Chroniken sogar ganz an die Ursprünge.


Tor Books




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