The Beautiful Miss Brooke

Louis Zangwill

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Beschreibung zu „The Beautiful Miss Brooke“

Louis Zangwill's novel, 'The Beautiful Miss Brooke', is a captivating portrayal of the interplay between social class and personal identity in Victorian England. Written in a style reminiscent of the great literary works of the era, Zangwill expertly weaves a tale of love, betrayal, and societal expectations. The book provides a window into the complexities of the Victorian social hierarchy and the constraints placed on women of the time. Zangwill's attention to detail and rich character development make 'The Beautiful Miss Brooke' a compelling read for those interested in historical fiction. The novel's exploration of the nuances of human relationships and the struggle for individual agency resonates with readers of all backgrounds. Louis Zangwill, a contemporary of renowned Victorian authors like Charles Dickens and George Eliot, draws inspiration from his own observations of society to craft a narrative that is both thought-provoking and entertaining. His unique perspective and insight into the human condition shine through in this compelling novel. 'The Beautiful Miss Brooke' is a must-read for fans of classic literature and those intrigued by the complexities of Victorian society and gender roles.


Good Press




ca. 65





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